Case Management FAQs

Expand the options below to find the answers to our most common questions about the Case Management module.

ClosedDo I need to create a Review Case and Processing Case at the same time?

ClosedWhere are OPEN DISCOVERY users created?

Users are created in the OPEN DISCOVERY System Manager. See Create New User for details.

ClosedHow do I assign groups to a Case?

Groups, which are created in the System Manager, are also assigned to cases in the System Manager. See Create New Groups for details.

ClosedHow do I delete a Case, Client or Managing Client?

Cases, cients, and managing clients can be managed, modified and deleted in Case Management. These items must be deleted right to left; cases first, then clients, then managing clients. See Delete Managing Clients, Clients, or Cases,Modify Managing Client or Client and Modify Settings for a Case for details.

To delete a case, client or managing client:

  1. Click or corresponding to the needed case, client or managing client and select Delete.

  2. Click OK in response to the confirmation message.

ClosedHow do I create a Security Template?

Security Templates (which were formerly created in Case Management) are now created in the System Manager. See Overview: Security Templates for details.

ClosedDoes OPEN DISCOVERYcome with default permission templates?

Yes. The following default templates are provided to assist with setting permissions for common workflows: Case Admin, Review Manager, Internal Reviewer (review case only), External Reviewer (review case only), and External User (review case only).

ClosedCan I use custom templates to create my cases?

Yes. When creating a case in OPEN DISCOVERY, you can either use the default template, or a custom template. See Create a New Case in OPEN DISCOVERY.

To use a custom template(s): Expand the Advanced Options dropdown, then select the required template(s), depending on which type of case is being created:

  • For a Processing case, click in the Processing Case Template field. In the resulting dialog box, navigate to and select the required .INI file, then click Open.

  • For a Review case, click in the Review Case Template field. In the resulting dialog box, navigate to and select the required .CSE file, and then click Open. See Workflow: Create a Case Definition Template for more information.

When creating both a processing and review case simultaneously, you also have the option to use a custom Import Case Template. To use a custom Import Case Template(s): Expand the Advanced Options dropdown, then select the required .INI file, then click Open. See Create an Import Series for details.

When working with custom templates, it is recommended to create a templates folder to store all your custom templates.

ClosedWhat settings are controlled by the Processing Case Template?

ClosedHow do I edit the Processing Case settings?

  • Open Case Management and locate the case whose settings you would like to modify.

  • Click the icon in the corner of the case.

  • In the menu that appears, select Case Settings.

ClosedWhat case settings are controlled by the Review Case Template?

The Review Case Template controls settings for indexes, relationships, redaction categories, tag palettes, coding forms, and performance management.

ClosedHow do I edit the Review Case settings?

Administrators have the ability to view and modify settings for Review cases in OPEN DISCOVERY. These settings are available in the Review module and are configured on a case-by-case basis. When you enter a case, you can use the navigation pane on the left to access your general case settings. See Manage Review Case Settings for details.

ClosedWhat options are controlled by the Import Case Template?

The Import Case Template contains the default settings for your Import Series and determines what your fields and BEGDOC numbers will look like (e.g. the default BEGDOC number is 0000001). When you create a processing case using the Import Case Template, it generates a default Import Series. You are then able to edit or create custom Import Series in Case Settings to set your own prefixes and BEGDOC number ranges. See Create an Import Series for details.

ClosedWhat is the Code Name, and is it mandatory?

A code name (also called OPEN DISCOVERY Code Name or ECN) serves as a primary organizer for one or more related cases, as a shortened version of a very long case name, or for any purpose that will help you organize and recognize cases across all OPEN DISCOVERY products. Code names are created in OPEN DISCOVERY in conjunction with case creation in the Case Management module and serve to link processing and review cases together. Code names are mandatory, but matter numbers are not. See Overview: Case Management and Create a New Case in OPEN DISCOVERY for more details.


Related Topics

Overview: Case Management